By MJB - 02/04/2017 22:00

Today, as a 17-year-old, after having gone to the doctor to about some unusual hair loss, it turns out I simply have crappy genetics, and should expect to be fully bald within a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 035
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you'll have a great career in magic eraser advertising. Sorry for your loss Mr. Clean.

Now you need to hit the gym and become The Rock. Scrawny bald guys look like racists. Skinheads really ****** it up for you.


Female here. (One that dated a bald guy in early college). Just shave it all off when it gets to that point and own it. Keep it clean shaven. Channel every ounce of confidence you've got. Let it be an asset. Trust me. There will be chicks that find it hot. Idk about in HS, but college for sure. I've got several young adult bald/shaven friends and they're definitely ladies men! Pretty much anyone else isn't going to notice/care (except maybe some insecure HS bully). Confidence is the key!!

You're not alone; my father got his first toupee at the ripe old age of 15.

You're not alone; my father got his first toupee at the ripe old age of 15.

monyluv1 13

I went to middle school with a guy who was going gray. And it wasn't just really blonde, getting lighter- it was jet black with silver. I think that was when I realized how hot silver haired guys are....

TabooSushi 24

Either plan to shell out for hair plugs or just start shaving your head and rocking the bald look. Just don't forget to put sunscreen on your head or you'll just end up looking like a tomato. Put on some muscle if you're on the scrawny side, too, cause bald + ripped is a fairly good lady magnet.

ohsnapword 21

Own the look. Hair doesn't make the man, it how he carries himself.

Youu don't have to be ripped for the bald look to work. Check out Patrick Stewart. A lot of women still think he is attractive. He's 76. His wife is 39 this year.

The only solution is to shave your head and get ripped

bobsanction 18

Shave it. If you keep it, you'll look like you're trying to hold onto the past. If you let it all go in one fell swoop it means you're taking charge. Chicks like a guy that takes charge of shit like that.

lezlgcy 0

Seriously we're ALL assuming this is a man. It happens to women too! I had a friend in her early 20's who's head looked like she had gotten shit faced and tried to give herself a REALLY short haircut. Although there are different types alopecia totalis, is sudden permanent loss of all hair up there.

The advice stands for a woman, too- cut it all off right away, because "balding" is infinitely worse than "bald" or "clean shaven."