By Anonymous - 12/07/2012 06:40 - United States - Houston

Today, an old guy approached me and asked if I had ever seen an elephant with white ears. I shook my head. He then pulled the pockets out of his shorts and whipped out his sex nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 345
You deserved it 4 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

It'd probably have been way scarier if it had tusks.

You should have kicked the elephant in the chin.


Bubzbeauty posted a similar tweet on her twitter....

That's funny. This guy should be in vegas.

jboyajian86 1

Made my day. I would like to meet this guy he's probably got lots of jokes

annejayy 7

Apart from that being slightly rapey that's actually really clever.

People like this make life.... interesting

At least he didn't ask you to ride the elephant.. That would be horrifying

I dunno, an elephant that old probably would be a bore to ride lol

You never know.. Technically he's more experienced... Lol who am I kidding, it probably would be a bore haha

I would have done the same thing to him so we could be even.

I wonder if elephantitis ball accompany this "sex nose.". I like it though, I may try that with my next one nighter