By Anonymous - 16/06/2010 23:16 - United States

Today, after weeks of looking forward to my birthday trip to the beach, I've come down with a serious case of the flu. My family is still going without me, but at least now they don't have to pay someone to watch the dog. Happy birthday to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 938
You deserved it 2 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Salaminizer 0

When they're gone, sneeze on everything they own, sleep in their beds, etc. So when they get back, YOU can go to the beach and THEY can be sick.

terror_twins 0

Your family is ******* horrible. Get a new one. hahaha.


Also, it's possible that the trip is non-refundable. Did your family rent a beach house or something? It's often difficult to change that at the last minute. BTW, were you the only one calling it your birthday trip? I get the feeling this is a family holiday that happened to be around your birthday. Should they cancel their holiday because you have the sniffles? FYL but don't make yourself out to be a martyr. Your family is doing what they have to do.

imright24 0

Suck it up and stop complaining. Everyone gets sick and everyone has to pass on things they looked forward to because of it. It's only the beach. This is not a fml.

Let me tell you the context of this story since you seem too slow to understand it: His entire family still went to the beach without him and had him babysit the dog ignoring the fact that he needs bed rest.

Some hotels have a certain limit to how far beforehand you can cancel. If there was a way to get out of it, I'd say that's pretty shitty of them leaving you alone on your bday when they go out and have fun. Either way, FYL.

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

op dis is nothin to f ur life about like there's always another time.

happy birthday! ur gift is the knowlage that the world doesnt turn around urself :P

aenemadreamer 0

op i would have gone regardless. sick or not, especially knowing they would be going without you, i would have gone. besides, the salt air would have done you wonders.

cough and sneeze all over them right before they leave, that'll show 'em

sorry op but I would have left you home 2