By definatelynotamurderer - 03/03/2015 14:01 - United Kingdom

Today, after seven people at work approaching me and asking me if I was 'that lad from the paper', I picked one up to see what they were talking about. Turns out my doppelganger is a man who brutally murdered his older brother last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 503
You deserved it 2 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always walk up to possible murderers and ask them about their newspaper appearance.

AviKerensky 17

Look at them through narrowed eyes and say, "Want to find out?"


Ok I'll bite. What the hell is a doppelganger.

a person who is your twin; at least a peeosn who looks scarily similiar to you.

So you are a dead-ringer for a murder suspect?

People are idiots. If it was you and your picture was already in the paper then you'd be in jail and not at work.

I have the same name and appearance of a guy who killed 5 people at a party. At work i got asked by many people and they also put up the news article worst 2 weeks of my life

dfill 3

You could just say: "oh shit!! They're on to me?!"

Just tell them it's only a family resemblance

"definitely not a murderer" something a murderer would say

duke21777 7

On the bright side, at least now you know for sure you aren't the evil twin

It's cool that you know who your doppleganger is. It's so cool it's like a twin. It would be so cool to meet them not u obviously.