By Photos - 20/02/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, after I got home from school I went to my room to find the maid had cleaned it, also to find a bag labeled "trash" it was all the sketches and paintings I had done in art class, which is my major plan for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 738
You deserved it 4 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xolotl 0

yeah, i don't understand why people think you deserve that because you have a maid. anyway, that sucks. i feel for you.

ummmyeahhh 0

there is nothing wrong with having a maid! my family has had a housekeeper from the time my mother was pregnant with my oldest brother until now, when my youngest is ten. (the oldest is twenty-eight.) i have four brothers and a sister; my parents are and always were straight middle-class, ordinary people. having a maid doesn't make you special, nor does going to a school you like. there's things called student loans, ever heard of them? it all depends on where the OP left the art. if it was just sitting on the desk or had fallen somewhere, yeah, the maid is justified. unless they were framed, it's all dependent on where they were left.


yeah... who the hell has a maid these days?? did Jane Eyre just suddenly travel through time and land in the OP's house or something?? ydi for having a maid. you don't need one. do shit yourself, so bad shit doesn't happen. FYL for thinking you need a maid

have you thought that maybe the OP is to busy to do cleaning around the house by his/herself? Perhaps the OP is busy with extracurriculars, a job, or with friends or family to have time to do thorough cleaning.

she paid a mad to clean her room an the maid cleaned it. I say OP is just whining.

borkchop1992 15

you jeaulous because he can afford one and you cant

stupidmonkey80 0

yeah my mom hired a maid and I don't like it when people rearrange all my stuff so I told never to clean my desk

I don't trust those women. We hired one once (several people from my neighbourhood have hired her) and she took our money in advance, came for 2 hours out of the 10 we'd paid her for, then left and never called back. She also stole from a family around the corner.... Never again

xolotl 0

yeah, i don't understand why people think you deserve that because you have a maid. anyway, that sucks. i feel for you.

ionelementz112 0

If you took care of your own room, this wouldn't have happened. You should make arrangements so that the maid doesn't clean your room unless you're there, and if your room becomes a mess, it's your fault for not being there to oversee its cleaning.

carriealana 0

your maid sounds dumb and you should get a new one asap

ummmyeahhh 0

there is nothing wrong with having a maid! my family has had a housekeeper from the time my mother was pregnant with my oldest brother until now, when my youngest is ten. (the oldest is twenty-eight.) i have four brothers and a sister; my parents are and always were straight middle-class, ordinary people. having a maid doesn't make you special, nor does going to a school you like. there's things called student loans, ever heard of them? it all depends on where the OP left the art. if it was just sitting on the desk or had fallen somewhere, yeah, the maid is justified. unless they were framed, it's all dependent on where they were left.

necomni 0

why would you trust someone else to clean your own room? What happened to the good ok' days when kids cleaned their own rooms...

If you left it lying about the room carelessly, then maybe she thought you didn't want it? As a fellow artist though, ouch. Swift kick to the groin.

I'm with #10 - who labels bags of rubbish? Wouldnt a maid dispose of the bags?

blacklagoon_fml 0

That sucks, but maids are a little dumb anyways, which is why they are maids. Don't feel bad, they aren't completely gone. Also, you might end up being a maid if you major in art. Just a suggestion. At least your parents have money though! Although maids aren't all that much if they come like once every 2 weeks.

crazycar 0

You have a ******* maid?! Clean your own room lazy ass!