This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 01/11/2016 06:25 - United States

Today, after having surgery and told not to have sex for two weeks, I've been begging my boyfriend to allow me to give him a blowjob, trying to be nice. He doesn't want to because he can't reciprocate. Not only has not having sex drove me insane, so is not being able to touch my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 139
You deserved it 2 001

Top comments

FYL, indeed. Having such a caring boyfriend must be awful. Next he'll want to make you dinner or something; break up with him before it happens!

Well, maybe some cuddling and kissing will do the trick. While it's not especially getting-off worthy, it is quite intimate.


Not having sex for 2 weeks is driving you crazy???? Lucky is your BF

I recommend y'all read this book: "Cherry No More" by Buster Hymen

Don't have kids. I hear you're supposed to abstain for a few weeks after pushing a human out your ******.

At least he's not being an asshole about not having sex for 2 weeks!

Mysterybounty 6

If you can't go 2 weeks without sex you are a *****.

Try 11months of no sex. At all. Straight after getting married.

Sounds like military deployment- I hear ya there..

What the **** happened there? Oh, military deployment would make sense... sorry for jumping the gun on that one!

I would be the same way if I couldn't reciprocate for my woman. I can't have release if I can't even try to do the same for her. His heart wouldn't be in the BJ and because there's more with her it can't just be a physical act. I get him completely. That does suck for you OP but it's better to let him suffer with you and vent on here than it is to listen to these people bashing you and/or your significant other

try having a surgery where you can't walk for 6 weeks, I wish I just couldn't have sex.

Op if it's such big deal to you tell your bf he doesn't know if you don't tell him an to other poster When something you think is a big deal happens in your life it can very hard to see that others might have it worse I've been homeless so I know there are worse things then no sex or blow jobs for two weeks but to op it is a big deal so cut op some slack