By doglover - 03/11/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, a Milkbone commercial came on TV. At the end of it, they whistle and throw a Milkbone across the screen, prompting my 100lb German Shepherd to leap off the couch and run head on into my new plasma screen TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488
You deserved it 42

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Aww, and your doggy didn't even get its treat. :(


jackcandle 10

Freaking funny!To bad about your TV though.

This comic just makes the FML. But yeah, that's hilariously sad. I'm sorry for the loss of your TV.

kingsley_fml 8

Somehow in the illustration the dog has crashed through the television into the picture in the picture frame...

justanotherbird 19

Lol, our cat did something similar when we had a "fish" screensaver.

gofferurself 10

this could be a problem, if anytime dog food, cats, squirels, etc are on tv your dog attacks. Good luck!

Trololol? Probably. Would you rather have a cat? I've heard way more stories about cats walking on top of flat screen tvs which causes the tv to tip over. I find that most people that hate dogs are jealous that they get so much attention for just being friendly and fetching a ball. Are you bitter?

iAmScrubs 19

The dog was attempting to make it into another dimension and the TV was its only portal into it.

does he hump it when they show female dogs?