By iworkatofficedepothomes - 15/05/2014 12:02 - United States - Laguna Hills

Today, a customer came into our store and asked if we sold "child-sized coffins". This isn't even the weirdest question I've been asked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 979
You deserved it 4 657

Same thing different taste


Tell us what is the weirdest thing then

Ridog02 3

Their child probably died.....

It was probably some jackass trying to be funny. He probably has a sick sense of humor. I've worked in retail and idiots like that ask dumb questions to see how you react.

lezburtreynolds 1

More like F that customer's life....

Vegnas 13

Why am I suddenly thinking of "Balto."

Thank you! When I finished reading the FML, I was thinking to myself, "Well, jeez, another diphtheria outbreak. Where's the antitoxin?!?"

sunnysideup25 7

Why yes we do. Some with and without children. ;)

It's not that weird if you work at a coffin store

I think the ops username already answered that question :).

Rayth 19

I think this fml needs a follow up and an answer to the question: what is the weirdest question you was asked?

Why are people asking for child sized coffins at freaking Office Depot?! That's both twisted and really sad