Tiptony Buskertano

By Jesus - 21/04/2009 14:39 - United States

Today, I was playing guitar on the sidewalk and had my guitar case open for tips. A man came up with a folded piece of green paper, smiled and walked away. After I was finished, I looked at my tips. I unfolded the paper, it was a note that said "You suck!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 984
You deserved it 11 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not really a tip. "You suck. Get lessons" would work.

Nobody disrespects Jesus..not on my watch (And if there are any of you who say my comment is completely irrelevant, than check the Username...and for those of you who think it's stupid, i don't care)


YDI for playing the guitar on the street begging for money like a hobo. And clearly you suck, so I agree with #50. Although I don't see how this is a FML at all... obviously the guy was joking and just messing with you, and you're an idiot for taking it seriously.

skierguy 0

#39. Sorry, I have a rare disability that makes me severely irony-impaired.

HATER >:o ... although I've never heard you play, I'm sure you're better than me. =)

julia19 0

If you can afford a computer why would you be on the street begging? FAKE!

fyl for being a bum and begging on the streets. id have more respect for u if u said u were giving handjobs(regardless of ur sex).

skierguy 0

#55, there's a difference between busking and begging. Some street performers do pretty well.

and #33 ur an idiot, jesus christ might not of been the son of God but he definately is a real human being, and a historical figure. ur a ******* idiot.

ugh, i hate people who play music on the streets. #6, i'd really love to know an example of anyone good who was discovered on the streets begging like a hobo. most of them suck and even if they aren't they're still a pain to have to listen to. if you were good some one would give you a real gig. maybe find a more appropriate venue for your music, or maybe take the hint that this isn't the career path for you and get a real job.

There is not a difference between busking and begging busking is a word made up by people too lazy to get real jobs who sit on the street and beg for money. That's why I never give a dime to the people on the street most of them have more money than me.

Theos_fml 0

Some people go to great lengths to insult people playing music from a genre they don't care about. I think lots of rap music is just dischord, but every genre also has some good music in it (if not much). Maybe that person preferred rap to classic guitar or hated bluegrass because it reminded him of old people. Or maybe you were playing rock and it didn't come out right on the streets. And to #33, Jesus did exist-he was just a "little" different than the guy in the bible. Maybe some guy decided he was poor and his life sucked so he wanted to play on the gullible fools that lived at that time and he soon got together a following of gullible idiots and other ambitious scammers. When he was sentenced to death by crucifixion (people probably found out about the scam, but the bible covers it up because it ruins the effect of the plot to say anyone pretended to be descended from god and wasn't), one of his "followers" decided he would take on the role and raided his tomb but couldn't find any relics because they were all destroyed. He probably then removed the body and successfully replaced the previous Jesus. And I kind of wonder what happened after that...the religious fanatics kind of stop telling me the story of Jesus around that point. (If the stone blocking the entrance could not be moved by men, who placed it?-that makes them mad) Lots of people were in on the plan, so this son of god was more successful than the previous ones. Some guy could have pretended to be blind just for the benefits and had Jesus come by a month later, spit in the mud and rub it in his eyes and then pretended to be cured. (after a while, pretending to be blind will be a little bit of a bother-and you can't just tell people you lied about it. It was cool of Jesus to save that man's hide) And I never quite get this stuff about God being all knowing-why do people go to confessions other than the fact that it was an old system used to catch criminals? And if God is so forgiving, why was Lucifer forever condemmed, and why were all of Cain's descendants cursed forever? Did they sin before they even existed? Abel's murder wasn't their fault... I just successfully wasted about 5 minutes of your life talking about religious bullshit. FYL. P.S. #7 and #30 have good points and #19 has a good example-Jesus is really just a name.