This whole marriage is a scam

By Anonymous - 17/04/2024 11:00

Today, we discovered that our wedding licence from 7 years ago is a complete fake. I don’t get it: we were married in a church by a priest, we got all our paperwork filed with the city council, but our certificate is apparently a fake someone made on a computer, and they got the date wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 472
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the one hand: It sucks On the other hand: Perfect excuse for a do-over.

mcsmee 7

Or a freebie annulment/divorce.


On the one hand: It sucks On the other hand: Perfect excuse for a do-over.

mcsmee 7

Or a freebie annulment/divorce.

if you filed for a license then you are married. you just might need a new license

Someone, at some point, damaged the original licence and thought they could get away with a bad copy. Just order a new one and then figure who actually thought they could get away with that.

tiptoppc 19

Please tell me you know how marriage licenses work. There’s a commemorative one, and the legal paperwork which is usually only good for a year to give ability to update names on accounts/etc… if this is in the USA, the legal one is only good for a year, and it’s just a signed contract you and your spouse are entering into. It’s not showy. So if this is something like a boring piece of paper, THAT’s your license. Now, mine also came with mail a few weeks later ratifying the paperwork as well via the city/state, and when i got married it also had to be published in a periodical announcement. Otherwise, some places over a year considered anyone cohabitating to be a commonlaw marriage, and anyone married or not that was living together that has produced a kid, will still have to go through custody court.