The war on Christmas

By drive thru madness - 25/12/2016 12:15 - United States - Amherst

Today, I was working the drive-thru. Everything was going fine until I handed a customer her order and said, "Happy Holidays". Before she drove off, she yelled, "it's Merry Christmas, bitch" and threw her coffee at the window. I'm Jewish and was trying to be polite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 165
You deserved it 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People take the whole "happy holidays" versus "merry Christmas" thing WAY too seriously. Just be grateful they said anything nice to you at all, ungrateful pricks.

This "Merry Christmas" verses "Happy Holidays" battle is bullshit. If someone says "Merry Christmas" to you and you're not Christian, appreciate they're being polite and leave it be. If someone says "Happy Holidays" and the political correctness annoys you because you don't believe people should use that term, appreciate they are just considering others and get the **** over it.


happy holidays= happy holy days. there are a lot of religious holy days around this time. that lady was a bitch and i hope she totaled he car on black ice

Yo man same thing happened to me a couple days ago. It sucks! But you can't get mad at them or you'll lose your job . Just take a deep breath and walk away. That's all you can do

F*** her! She's an a**hole! I'm sorry you had to deal with such an awful person, OP. :(

I'm not religious whatsoever, and I've been using both. Not surprisingly, most of the people I've said "Happy Holidays" to gave me weird looks. People just can't accept anything that's different anymore.

When people get mad that I say happy holidays I just tell them I'm Muslim. Pisses them right off.

midge346 8

As a cashier I totally feel you on this. It's a never ending battle. It's so childish that it's come to this, but honestly what I say is "Have a good holiday" or "I hope your holidays are happy". Haven't gotten sass from those two yet so let's hope it keeps working!

People really are ******* stupid. is Christmas not a holiday? I like to call those people "social injustice warriors" There's a difference between being "politically correct" and just "correct." It's more "correct" (or all encompassing) to say happy holidays. It's not a difficult concept.

That's messed up. This whole thing has gone way too far. Admittedly, I am a bit "old school" but having said that, I have friends who are Christians, I have Jewish friends, and I have friends of other categories. We say "Merry Christmas", because it is. We say "Happy Hanukkah", because it is. If somebody slips up once in a while, that should be easily forgiven and forgotten. If somebody wants to say "Happy holidays" or worships differently than you.... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?! I usually respond with "Thank you, same to you!"