The joys of public transportation

By InDeepBlue - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, I took the bus home from work for the first time in my life. It was pretty crowded, so I immediately sat in an empty seat. Then, I felt something wet. It was puke. A lot of it, in fact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 092
You deserved it 578

Top comments

This is why you always look before you sit

If there's an empty seat on an otherwise crowded bus, it's usually empty for a reason. :')


This is why you always look before you sit

If there's an empty seat on an otherwise crowded bus, it's usually empty for a reason. :')

buymevickis92 26

You didn’t see or smell it? This is why I hate public transportation because other are just so inconsiderate and forget that decent people ride too. When I get off from my night job all these homeless people are just riding the bus from the beginning to the end.