Thanks dad

By Anonymous - 19/09/2013 17:32 - Canada - Brantford

Today, I took my girlfriend home to meet my parents. My dad was having a bad day and was rude from the outset, but things went to total hell when he started screaming that he'd "kill" our microwave if it didn't "shut the hell up". My girlfriend now thinks we're a family of abusive psychos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 879
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SexySlayer1248 18

You might want to try a redo when your dad calms down


If she doesn't understand bad days and people acting out of character or lashing out, then she is stuck in a Disney movie. I'd much rather have someone scream at a microwave then me when they are having one of those pissed at everything days.

But it is normal to expect that people are on their best behaviour on the first meeting ever. If yelling at the microwave is the best he can do? How will normal days be? Bad days? (OP should very much explain that he was having a bad day because otherwise that will be her thought-process)

RedDragonx32 8

you should of yold them to behave cuz guest is coming like wen u was young

Don't you wish that if you can do: CTRL + Z

Dusty_Busters 15

Your dad kinda sounds like he is

Everybody has those days. But being respectful of guests is vital. He should apologize for how he behaved, bad day or not!

RedDragonx32 8

was my post deleted? o.o wow...

hahahah the ONE day xD nailed that first impression