Thanks capitalism, I hate it!

By Rusty Armstrong - 17/08/2020 05:01

Today, the prison program I work for has been shut down for months due to Covid, but my bosses have been having us sitting at our desks, doing nothing, in proximity to the inmates. I guess they'd rather pay us to be exposed than to stay safe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 213
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bosses who do that ought to be sent to prison! Shit!! They're already there.

mccuish 25

Paid to do nothing. Sign me up


Bosses who do that ought to be sent to prison! Shit!! They're already there.

Richardpencil, I scroll through this app quite often and am kind of honored that you commented on my post. thank you

You're very welcome! Thanks for sharing your story here. Hope you stay safe and healthy.

You must work at Lansing... glad my husband got out of there when he did! The prisons are majorly infested with this crap, and the workers are not being protected at all.

mccuish 25

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