Taste from hell

By I’m so sorry - 17/12/2022 00:00

Today, I ordered lunch from DoorDash. I was surprised by how good the dish was, and went back on to rate the dish, and sent it. Without realizing, my phone autocorrected my review to “it looks the way hell tastes”. I don’t even know what I tried to say. I hope they don’t spit in my food next time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 377
You deserved it 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giffinator6 5

The restaurant does not see your reviews posted on doordash, Google reviews they will see. Don't worry about it, only doordash knows, and they only care about comments if the "stars" rating is bad.

They're not gonna spit in your food. They're just gonna try to sell you more weed. You were likely high AF when you wrote that.


They're not gonna spit in your food. They're just gonna try to sell you more weed. You were likely high AF when you wrote that.

giffinator6 5

The restaurant does not see your reviews posted on doordash, Google reviews they will see. Don't worry about it, only doordash knows, and they only care about comments if the "stars" rating is bad.

go back and edit the review, if you can't, then contact doordash support to do it.