Suspicious mind

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Youngsville

Today, after two weeks of intense detective work, I found out my wife isn't cheating on me after all. She really has just been going out and playing table tennis with her friend like she said. Who the hell even plays table tennis? FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 597
You deserved it 25 945

Top comments

I'm sorry to read that, OP. Perhaps you two could see a counselor until she's comfortable enough to stop playing table tennis and start cheating on you.

So is the FML that your wife plays table tennis or...


I'm sure you were stressed, honesty prevails. Strange luck

InfiniteSecret 20

Ya excuse the person who stalked their partner for two weeks because they didn't believe that they could actually have a hobby. Then be judgemental and seem upset that their partner wasn't lying.

Really??? Bruh, believe yo wife. (Just for the medal.)

Today, I thought that my husband suspected me of cheating and had to play table tennis two weeks in a row to get him convinced. Who the hell even plays Table Tennis!! FML Seriously though, you seem to have trust issues, don't wreck a good relationship by taking it too far.

catanita 18

Table tennis is an olympic sport.

Ok, so she's not cheating on you... She's playing table tennis... Did you make sure she wasn't cheating at table tennis?

"Who the hell even plays table tennis ?" Your wife, obviously.

The "who plays table tennis" part grinds my gears. Table tennis is so much freakin fun. I'm so jealous of your wife and wish I had easier access to a tennis table to play table tennis on.

What a nasty, suspicious git you are, OP.

It took you two weeks to see her doing exactly what she told you she was doing? Don't quit your day job. Also, YDI.