Suspicious mind

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Youngsville

Today, after two weeks of intense detective work, I found out my wife isn't cheating on me after all. She really has just been going out and playing table tennis with her friend like she said. Who the hell even plays table tennis? FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 597
You deserved it 25 945

Top comments

I'm sorry to read that, OP. Perhaps you two could see a counselor until she's comfortable enough to stop playing table tennis and start cheating on you.

So is the FML that your wife plays table tennis or...


Jord_Fox 14

... How is this an fml in the slightest?

With your lack of trust and distaste for her hobbies, I'm surprised she doesn't cheat on you

ImGoth 15

I can understand your worries. Table tennis sounds like a like and it's good luck she was truthful.

"Table tennis sounds like a like"...? Did you mean to say it sounds like a lie? Well, just because table tennis may sound like an 'uncommon' sport for you and OP, doesn't mean hardly anybody play it. Not only does OP have trust issues, but he is way too judgmental on his wife's interests. My apologies, but I don't understand how you understand his "worries".

InfiniteSecret 20

They wasted two weeks of their life because they didn't believe that their partner had a hobby. That's pathetic that they have that little trust in their partner that they spy on them for two weeks.

Ramos808 29

I tapped "I agree, your life sucks" by accident. I am profusely sorry, FML community

I guess the real FML here is that OP doesn't trust his wife

personally I read it as that.. everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions, but I read it as "Fml, I'm an idiot for thinking she was cheating and I've wasted two weeks of my life". I read it as remorse to wasting that much time when he never needed to, and that he should have trusted her to begin with.

cornwallus24 8

Sounds like your mad she wasn't cheating......feeling guilty?

Just be happy that it all worked out ? I think she may deserve a present and some more trust ?

blackrose1996 11

Your wife and I hope she never figures out you thought she was cheating it shows you don't trust her very much