
By ILOVELEDZEPPELIN - 06/07/2014 20:27 - United States - Wakefield

Today, I called my mother crying, telling her how my husband has apparently been cheating on me for months. To my surprise, she didn't interrupt me or cut me off the whole time. Only when she didn't respond, did I realize she'd hung up a half an hour ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 538
You deserved it 6 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rs31831 12

I'm sorry, no one deserves that, but maybe she had a bad connection or something. I hope so.

friedpwnadge 25

Maybe she can chip some ice off of her heart for the martini you'll be sipping later.


may be she never picked the fone.

Aww, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better about this soon. Good luck with relationships, and hopefully your mom didn't mean to do that to you. :)

I feel so bad for you OP :( cheaters are the worst :( FYL

It sucks when people don't know how to listen. Even if they can't offer good advice.

Zyde 12

I feel like she had warned u about him long ago and u never listened, so now she's like, knew it , peace bitch

really hoping he's an ex husband now

That's so callous! I'm so sorry OP, about your husband and your mother.

It's okay girly. Don't worry karma will find it's way to him and bite him in the ass.(:

No one wants to listen to an emotional woman over the phone