
By Anonymous - 27/11/2022 01:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I got fired from my job as a babysitter because the movie I showed the kids was "too violent and gave them nightmares." What movie was it? Mary Poppins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 977
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you show them the alternative ending where she's shot out of the sky by fighter jets?

Eating straight sugar and dancing chimney sweeps? Those subversive thoughts ****** me up for life! And made-up words nearly got me kicked out of school!


Did you show them the alternative ending where she's shot out of the sky by fighter jets?

TBF, the scenes where the kids are running away and the dogs are barking was scary even when I was a kid back in 19-none-of-yer-business when the movie was first released on Betamax.

Eating straight sugar and dancing chimney sweeps? Those subversive thoughts ****** me up for life! And made-up words nearly got me kicked out of school!

mccuish 25
tiptoppc 19

Next time, show them Sherry Bobbins! Although an angry, drunk scottsman might give YOU nightmares. Ach! Angry Willy will torment your head dreams with his rake!