
By broke - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I started my new job as a dishwasher, and was very excited since I've been broke for weeks. A few people dined and dashed, apparently for the first time in the restaurant's history. My boss is superstitious. She fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 858
You deserved it 2 394

Top comments

Aww, that's just unlucky. But I bet you're the best dishwasher EVER!

every1luvsboners 11

You set it up, don't lie to us. It's always the innocent dishwashers that concoct the diabolical plans to take down the restaurant industry.


taytaylal 11
Namerkp2 8

Try not to step on a crack on your way out!

jojimugo 20

Give us the name of the restaurant we should all go n dine n dash

May I smack your boss acrosse the head please?

Sue the bitch for wrongful termination.

Mr25_fml 14

Tell your ex-boss "Eat a dick old man!"

The fact that the amount of fyls is 666 is hilarious.

There should be a law against superstitious racial sexist crackers like your boss. Say that five times fast! LOL

Using the word "crackers" implies that you are racist against whites. You meant to say that they are racist, not racial. Just saying.

In what way is the boss racist? Race did not come up at all. Also since cracker is a derogatory term for white people you are being a bit presumptuous because ethnicity was not specified for any parties involved in the FML. Plus as the person above stated you using the term cracker at all implies you're a bit racist yourself.