Sorry Grandma

By damn-it - 22/02/2009 06:41 - Australia

Today, my Grandma was showing me an ancient family letter. It was apparently written by someone historically famous. She was going on about how important it was, in such good condition too, worth a lot. I dropped my glass of juice. It spilt all over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 941
You deserved it 48 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People should get those types of things framed, or get some form of display case. Just to keep peoples juice off of it. Or maybe she should have given you a sippy cup.

Edmund_Dantes 0

You destroyed an antique that your grandmother clearly valued. F YOUR life?


Maybe if grandma cared she would have framed it

i almost had a heartattack after i read that

And that's why I keep everything that could spill away from important stuff. E.g. no open drinks next to my laptop. You should have considered that op :/ I feel sorry for your grandma...

Well at least now she can't go on about what good condition it's in