Sorry for your loss

By grant - 06/03/2021 20:01

Today, I was absolutely crucified online for asking the vet’s office how much it would cost to put my dog down. She's terminally ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 164
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things are too personal or painful to discuss on line - This is one of those. It was not wise to bring this up online. As you have found there are those who cannot conceive of doing what is necessary in your situation (and cannot imagine that they would ever be in that situation). You have my sympathy, that is never an easy decision to make when you love your pet.

Actually, the two times I had to put beloved dogs down, it was an easy decision. They were suffering with no chance of recovery. It was hard to bear, but I felt I did my best for them.


How would this get online? The vet's office wouldn't broadcast your inquiry. I'm guessing you went on social media and brought up this issue publicly. In that case, YDI.

Some things are too personal or painful to discuss on line - This is one of those. It was not wise to bring this up online. As you have found there are those who cannot conceive of doing what is necessary in your situation (and cannot imagine that they would ever be in that situation). You have my sympathy, that is never an easy decision to make when you love your pet.

Actually, the two times I had to put beloved dogs down, it was an easy decision. They were suffering with no chance of recovery. It was hard to bear, but I felt I did my best for them.

I mean, it’s both hard and easy at the same time, and the reason for both is because you love them. You love them selfishly, so you don’t want them to go, but you also love them selflessly, so you’re don’t want them to suffer.

flagbitch 8

I have a friend who has to put her dog to sleep, she started a fund, no criticism but she still gets misty eyed over losing her dog. It's a rough thing to go through.

LennyB13 2

Yeah at first I thought you meant you got crucified by the vet staff, I was about to say to say throw them under the bus cuz that’s unprofessional. But then i saw “online”, condolences for your sitch, but that’s on you for asking on their public page. Call or email would have been the way to go.

So sorry you're going through this. I had to put my dog down 2 weeks ago today. He was 3 years past his life expectancy, had hip dysplasia, arthritis in all joints, and cancer in his leg. Making that decision is never easy. People need to show more compassion. It cost me $815 to have a vet come to my house to do the deed, take his remains to the crematorium, and to get his mailed ashes back to me. I think size makes a difference, too. My boy was around 100 lbs.

It's so sad that your vet is on death's door. On the other hand, maybe you could sneak your dog into the Vet's coffin and save a bit of cash.