Some people just don't like surprises

By alone and horny - 20/06/2020 20:01

Today, I went outside to smoke a cigarette. When I started to head back in, I saw a shadow move across my bedroom window. I live alone, so I waited outside and called the police. They came and investigated, only to drag my naked boyfriend out, where he promptly dumped me. I forgot our 2-year anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 826
You deserved it 1 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leximichelle 13

Anniversary aside, he probably should have considered how you’d feel about a mystery person sneaking around in your house, considering you’re a female (assumption) who lives alone. Maybe talk it over with him.

dragonladiesfire 19

if you didnt know he was going to be there and if he is dumping you on the spot over the fact that you were trying to stay safe then you're probably better off without him.


leximichelle 13

Anniversary aside, he probably should have considered how you’d feel about a mystery person sneaking around in your house, considering you’re a female (assumption) who lives alone. Maybe talk it over with him.

dragonladiesfire 19

if you didnt know he was going to be there and if he is dumping you on the spot over the fact that you were trying to stay safe then you're probably better off without him.

lifeis4me 20

He broke up with you because you had enough sense to call the cops when you thought an intruder was present? You’re better off without that dummy

tounces7 27

If he lives with you or you gave him a key with permission to come over already, then YDI.