Social media was a mistake

By NoFriends - 06/10/2020 16:01 - Australia - North Lakes

Today, my husband deleted the Messenger app, because he doesn't use it a lot, and people can text him. That's fine, but he didn't tell any of his contacts that. All his friends think he's blocked them. He's now pouting, because no one's texting him. He's not on Facebook, so no-one sees him there either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 991
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone might call or come over and visit? Like actual friends in the real world do.

OP is from Australia, so everything is relatively back to normal.


Someone might call or come over and visit? Like actual friends in the real world do.

well I mean it's covid season so hopefully not

OP is from Australia, so everything is relatively back to normal.

Why isn’t he reaching out to them first since he’s the one that changed their methods of communicating? He can’t seriously expect them to be mind readers, when he made it look like he just blocked and ghosted the whole group.