
By snakeboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, for the first time in about 3 years, I decided to clean my car. It was going really well until I looked down at what I was about to pick up. On the back seat floor lay a dead snake, which at one point, for God knows how long, was living in my car while I unknowingly drove it around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 649
You deserved it 48 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You would think it would smell at some point. Or at least attract enough insects to annoy you. I don't know how some people manage to live in filth sometimes. I mean three YEARS?


That's too close to home. I also live in SA, and I know just how it feels to see a snake. But to have one in your CAR - that is heeeeaps gross

I've had a snake get in my house a couple of times. I live near a national park with a lake so their always around my house and on the road. But never in the car though.

There was a story from Sydney only a few months ago - family were driving along, and all the sudden this little green tree snake poked its head out of the bonnet. Was probably sleeping on the engine cause it was nice and warm.

youaresofucked 0
tonyDlolli 0

yeahi dontsee the problem. this does not make ur life ****** in any way

it was already dead. I should know, i'm the one that put it there. NOW STAY THE **** AWAY FROM MY WIFE

I see what you did there... and it ****** sucked

There could have been an FML here, but there just isn't.

are you sure it wasnt a diamond weave garden hat?

ahhh thats creepy!!! i totally would have been flipping out I hate snakes!!

valfan 0

one of my worst fears... I live on a farm and worry about that.

Enough is ENOUGH! I've had it with these motherf*cking snakes in this mother*cking car! /Someone had to say it.

backagainbitch 0

how the hell is this an FML???? the snake was dead, it never bit you,SO GET OVER IT YOU ******