Smug knob

By Anonymous - 03/02/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend got his results from the doctor: the weeping sore under his foreskin isn’t an STD like I accused him of, it’s merely a bacterial skin infection from not washing his penis. He’s acting all smug, like not cheating on me somehow makes up for being a bacteria-ridden petri dish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 513
You deserved it 371

Same thing different taste

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🤢🤮 You need to dump that disgusting skanky wanker stat...

How did you stand having sex with this guy without washing his junk first?


🤢🤮 You need to dump that disgusting skanky wanker stat...

How did you stand having sex with this guy without washing his junk first?

Who washes before every time? I take showers regularly but I don't purposely clean my junk before every act.

smartal 3

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You can teach a guy to wash his junk. You can’t teach a guy to be faithful.

god, the bar for men is sub basement

Being teachable is not the sub-basement. Refusing to wash his junk or his ass after being taught the correct way and the benefits is the sub-basement.

It is not a win for him. But it is a loss for you.