She'll come around

By Anonymous - 05/05/2021 22:05

Today, my only friend confessed she loved me, but I’m not a lesbian so I had to let her down. Apparently she thought I was a lesbian too, so she ran away mortified. I just got a text that she can’t see me anymore, because it’s too painful. I have no relatives and now no friends. I’m totally alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 310
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

give her a few days to process the fact that you don't like her in the way she thought. then reach out to her and get together for coffee or lunch and talk. let her know, that while you are not a lesbian, you do luv her, and value her friendship, and losing that, would be heartbreaking to you. everyone needs friends, and friends can love each other platonically.

hey don't be disheartened. here if you need a friend.


hey don't be disheartened. here if you need a friend.

Jon Tessler 14

give her a few days to process the fact that you don't like her in the way she thought. then reach out to her and get together for coffee or lunch and talk. let her know, that while you are not a lesbian, you do luv her, and value her friendship, and losing that, would be heartbreaking to you. everyone needs friends, and friends can love each other platonically.

Jessika Jensen 7

I would give it a little time. Maybe a few days? It sounds like your friend isn't just wanting a relationship with you? Maybe think about it as a compliment? I feel there may be qualities about you that led your friend to the feelings that she has for you. I would explain that you are flattered, but you do not have those type of feelings. Also, explain how much the friendship means to you, and that there is no need for embarrassment. I wish you luck!