Second class citizen

By crapped on - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family went on vacation. I had to stay home to take care of everyone's animals. I called my mom, who said she was too busy to talk to me. When my sister asked her who was on the phone, she replied, "The dog sitter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

put the dog in her bed and let it shit and piss everywhere. "the dog sitter didn't do her job. next time you do it."

A7X_LoVeee 10

The ****? I don't know what's worse..the fact that they all went without you or how she referred to you as the dog sitter. Who wants to vote?


do ur parents hate you, wish that ur parents would treat u as their own children

captainTexas84 0

next time they leave you home make a cardboard and aluminum foil cut out of a knife then hide it in thier suitcase. give the airport security a little suprise. ;)

brieanna6598 0

That's horrible, I know exactly how you feel though!

that's fkd up. let those dogs do whatever they want!!

you should go on vacation yourself and let the dog crap and piss everywhere and say " oh obviously I'm not responsible enough next time you should take me so I don't screw things up again." that should work but if it doesn't that means I'm done for the night

That's abuse. You should talk to someone.

Bludmagnus 13

Wow.... that is a family that has some wack priorities....

degrassilover21 2

You have a bad family no offense you should let their pets shit everywhere and then when they come home they will have a nice welcome gift :D

GoBolts 12

this will sound horrible, but this is the moment when you think of your adult self, rich, telling your old and frail parents to stuff it when they ask for money