Second class citizen

By crapped on - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family went on vacation. I had to stay home to take care of everyone's animals. I called my mom, who said she was too busy to talk to me. When my sister asked her who was on the phone, she replied, "The dog sitter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

put the dog in her bed and let it shit and piss everywhere. "the dog sitter didn't do her job. next time you do it."

A7X_LoVeee 10

The ****? I don't know what's worse..the fact that they all went without you or how she referred to you as the dog sitter. Who wants to vote?


death008 0

you must be a bitch. if to have a good vacation you family has to leave you behind.

galaxyrose15 1

Why don't you invite your boyfriend/girlfriend over and have hot sex on your parents bed? That'll show 'em and will be more fun.

I agree!! that would definitely show them!! haha leave your used condom in their bed tho!!

LOL I think that's taking it a little far xD

killabb23 0

Leave some love stains behind too :P

wow!! I just wanna know what you did to get yourself stuck at home with dogs!! must have been pretty damn bad!!

dude. you should put some clothes on in you're picture. this isn't a **** site :0

AutumnBeatricee 0

97. True that. it's not attractive.

koolkat27 13

104- nor is putting on craploads of black eyeliner, but thats just my opinion.

The_Darth_Wabbit 3

you should've then lied and said, "you said im suppose to be a sitter? oh damn mom, i'm sorry, thought you said bidder. i just sold everyone's pets to that creepy man down the street." indeed fyl, Darthy

lyssalyn2012 0

I would totally sell all the animals. then go on my own vacation!

not an FML. throw a huge party :) then they won't trust you to leave you there.

I'm gonna be the bad guy and say that maybe OP didn't get to go on vacation because of something *OP* did? Like maybe the person was initially supposed to go on said vacation and then did something idiotic to get him/herself grounded -- thus no trip for OP. Kids always wanna get on here and whine about how awful their parents are, but we don't know the whole story. Maybe it's the OPs who are really the awful ones. :P

GwylaFelidae 7

this is a possibility. But from personal experience, work is often the cause of my not going on family trips and I end up at home with three cats and a dog. the good thing is that I don't have to deal with people after work, the bad is that I have to deal with the cats and dog fighting...

I realize that there could be other possibilities, and I agree that the mom was a bitch for talking to her kid that way on the phone. But everyone wants to have sympathy on OP and they don't know the whole story. If the FML read, "My family went on vacation. I had to stay home and take care of the animals because I couldn't take off from work (or some other prior obligation). [insert the rest of the FML here]" then I would be sure to have total sympathy. But without knowing it, I don't know whether to sympathize or not. People aren't always innocent, unfortunately.

I'd be happy as **** if they left without me. Can you say party???