Second class citizen

By crapped on - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family went on vacation. I had to stay home to take care of everyone's animals. I called my mom, who said she was too busy to talk to me. When my sister asked her who was on the phone, she replied, "The dog sitter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

put the dog in her bed and let it shit and piss everywhere. "the dog sitter didn't do her job. next time you do it."

A7X_LoVeee 10

The ****? I don't know what's worse..the fact that they all went without you or how she referred to you as the dog sitter. Who wants to vote?


odge 3

thats when you go all Michael vick lol jkjk

jayyluhv 0

did you have to do it.? or was it a choice? either way. I wuld b pissed.

Sell the dogs, use the money to buy booze and a *****. You CAN have a vacation at home. And when your fam comes back and asks about the pets tell them "I don't know what you're talking about." That'll teach the SOB's.

i created an account just to comment on this mini conversation. i laughed for 3 minutes straight :D. ruff.. :p

FreebirdIII 1

Your family Blows dogs for quarters >:( time hire me :D i'll take care of your pets & train them.

could've been worse, you could be bald and have a big nose

justbigbs 6

I have to agree with #2 sensoon15, let the animals pee in everyone's room's corner and let stench up, make sure all the windows and doors are closed in the baking summer heat, LOL hahahhaa

I feel your pain. That stuff happens to me constantly.