Road rage

By Hayley - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I sneezed with so much force while I was driving that I whacked my head on the steering wheel and honked the horn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 033
You deserved it 4 641

Top comments

at least you didn't cause an accident? :) sorry about your head though!

Excuse me but you're at the wrong blog, this should be on 'made my day'!!! :D I'd be laughing my ass off it that ever happens to me!


wow_rachel 0

I agree with #4 I would lmao if this happend to me

When are they going to add the So What? button...

jamjenni2774 0

Sounds like U allready hit ur head one 2 Many times!!! DAMN!!

captainmaharet 1

I hate sneezing while driving. Try to turn it into a cough, it sometimes works and you don't have to close your eyes.

logieebearr 0

so what?alota people do that..people abuse fml and put retarded shit on there..ya totally you hit your head fyl

ROFLMAO Sorry, but it's funny XD Sorry about your head!