
By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 17:01 - United States - Pulaski

Today, my husband and I were watching Jurassic Park. At the end of the movie, he commented on how amazed he was that they could "train those dinosaurs" to do exactly what they wanted them to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 204
You deserved it 5 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It is amazing though to be honest! Like in the cars movie, it must've taken a really talented car trainer to make them all talk so perfectly!


Is it just me or is this FML 20 years too late?

monnanon 13

yeah i mean whoever heard of people watching movies after thier year of release.

Is he one of those guys that was taught humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time and were friends? That Adam supposedly rode them around as a means of transportation?

timss4 19

I'm pretty sure it was a joke.... I'd hate to believe there are people that dense lol

poppet91 4

Shame, that's pretty sad, I won't lie.

nivaldie 9

Hmm does your husband happen to be a 4 year old?

The benefits of using real models is that they age well and look real I suppose. But its great that you're dating a guy with less sense than Young Earth nuts.