Poker face

By jwz - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, I lost 200 dollars while playing poker with my new sunglasses. Turns out you can see the cards in the reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 589
You deserved it 81 336

Top comments

Look on the bright side... At least the next time you play, there is a very slim chance that you could do anything more retarded XD


well op it looks like....*dramatic pause and put sunglasses on* just wasn't in the cards *walks away dramatically

YDI for being a tool and wearing sunglasses in a casino, there is no sun inside. In fact it's usually rather dim.

Pro poker players use it to hide expressions and eye movement. eyes can give away a lot, a panicked expression, if you're looking at a card to much, etc...

Who needs a poker face when you got the answer written on your glasses.

Am I the only one who thinks FHL? Sunglasses are common practice when playing poker to hide your expression. He was probably playing by the 10's hoping for a stroke of good luck, excited to see how his new sunglasses work. Fact is, they didn't.