By Anonymous - 25/09/2018 16:00 - Australia

Today, I only discovered that a wasp was caught in the crotch of my undies when I put them on. It didn't like being teabagged very much and in retaliation stung the nearest target, my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 109
You deserved it 351

Top comments

Ant-Man is gonna be pissed to find out you teabagged his girlfriend.

I don’t want to know how the hell a wasp got into the undies to begin with.


Here’s what you do: Get a friend to drive you around town in a pick-up truck, while you stand up pants-less in the truck bed and blare AC/DC’s “Big Balls” Turn the swelling into a feature you got from a bug.

I don’t want to know how the hell a wasp got into the undies to begin with.

Probably flew into the undies when they were hanging on the clothesline?

Ant-Man is gonna be pissed to find out you teabagged his girlfriend.

commandpriority 5

Nuts!! Reason 583994 why I am not going to Australia. That place is a death trap.

snake_gal 8

sorry to inform you but wasps are everywhere :P

DraftHail614 17

I may not know how they get into your underwear, but my condolences OP. But I'll speak for every man here and say that we feel your pain. A chill went down my spine after reading that.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

better let it sting you again or your gonna look lopsided

At least you weren’t finding blood everywhere you looked

for that i would keep it alive just to micro torture the tiny ****