Poker face

By jwz - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, I lost 200 dollars while playing poker with my new sunglasses. Turns out you can see the cards in the reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 589
You deserved it 81 337

Top comments

Look on the bright side... At least the next time you play, there is a very slim chance that you could do anything more retarded XD


(8)"Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face...."(8) The clearly didn't apply to you.

endless_text 0

This is my favourite ever FML. XD

antifail 0

Dude u ******* fail trying to be a badass.........antifail has spoken truth that u haven't told us

reddilocks 0

Haha, you must be a tool if you're wearing sunglasses inside. That means you got what you had coming.

bigraws23 0

can I lend those glasses to my freinds for poker night?

djsmiles 0

haha thats sux 4 u, but its funni! haha lol

CableX17 0

......everyone else could see the cards you dolt

Brittney_E 0

why would u wear sunglasses indoors...?