Picky eater

By Anonymous - 04/06/2022 22:00

Today, my family are refusing to go out to eat with me anymore. Apparently, me liking my food cooked a certain way infuriates them because it delays our order, and makes the wait staff hate us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 345
You deserved it 1 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m curious what that “certain way” is, although if it weren’t batshit insane, I’m sure you would have explained it already.

Learn to order something that can be done at the same time as everyone else.


I’m curious what that “certain way” is, although if it weren’t batshit insane, I’m sure you would have explained it already.

And everyone ends up with snot and spit in their food. Your pickiness has consequences.

Learn to order something that can be done at the same time as everyone else.

That depends entirely on what way you want it cooked, doesn’t it? Like there’s a difference between “I like my steak well-done” and “my demands involve half the kitchen shutting down for my convenience”.

wrenavery90 12

I'm guessing you go way beyond the usual requests so yea, that would be annoying.

mattiagardin 15

Just build a personality that isn't only based on being picky and someone someday will love you

mccuish 25

I work in a kitchen as a line cook and you’re the type of person we hate

angeleyes0724 10

Two types of people, I am also a line cook and take pride in making my guests happy no matter how complicated their request. in fact, the more complicated the better, I love a challenge 🤷‍♀️

You're lucky you appear to have the time and freedom to accept these "challenges". There are those of us who do work/have worked in the catering industry and we've only had the time to prepare meals as expected before moving onto the next lot. If we started adjusting orders for everyone, we'd run out of time, and eventually business.

as a server, if you're picky and have to add or change a bunch of stuff, then yeah, stay home.

So just don't ask for it to be prepared a certain way. Simple fix OP.

What exactly is this "certain way," and is it because of an allergy or merely a personal preference? We need qualifiers here...