Overdoing it

By Anonymous - 06/03/2021 17:01 - United States - Little River

Today, two months after beginning a steamy text exchange with the man I’ve been in love with for 13 years, he told me that now when he thinks of me he feels "warm and fuzzy." In a panic, I responded sarcastically, “Primarily in the dick, right?” That shut everything down real quick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 385
You deserved it 1 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In 13 years and two months thats what you came up with?

Your only hope is that he has a fuzzy dick.


Your only hope is that he has a fuzzy dick.

In 13 years and two months thats what you came up with?

Call me uncouth if you want, but I think that's funny.

tounces7 27

THAT shut things down? Is he asexual or something? Unless he has zero attraction to you, that wouldn't shut things down with any biologically normal human male.

well it seems like a jokey way to describe it, he was probably turned off for a bit but if she explained she was just really nervous I'm sure they'd keep it going