Only a few more years to go…

By Anonymous - 09/02/2022 16:00

Today, the lullaby I sing to my toddler makes my husband fall asleep faster than her, so basically I have to choose between not having sex or having to put up with a cranky overtired hyperactive toddler. Our house has a single bedroom where we all co-sleep, so I guess it's option one for now for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 132
You deserved it 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigmarklew2 1

You deserve it get a second room

So, you want to participate in the activity that could give you a second hyperactive toddler? You'd think the cranky baby would be enough of an anti-aphrodisiac!


missedhighfivemakessad 4

FYL but that’s kinda adorable lol

bigmarklew2 1

You deserve it get a second room

So, you want to participate in the activity that could give you a second hyperactive toddler? You'd think the cranky baby would be enough of an anti-aphrodisiac!

Your toddler needs to sleep somewhere else. They'll never be able to sleep or self soothe on their own at this rate.

sixxis 7

Just sit on your husband while singing the lullaby