One law for thee…

By Jules - 03/03/2021 14:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, my country’s health minister said on TV, "Stay home! Don’t travel, don’t meet people!" The same evening, he drove to another state to have dinner with a group of people who gave money to his political party. He had taken a COVID test before. It came back positive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 078
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

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No news that Mr. S is a stupid incompetent douchebag. Don´t think this is a personal FML.

Jens Spahn, German minister of health, told us citizens to hold stay disciplined at home and to learn to waive, and that very sane day he took part in a dinner with with potential donors, while it is not allowed to meet with more than one single person :/ "to avoid infection" - well, he was tested positive with covid. Incompetent bigotted idiots, or as you might call them: politicians.


No news that Mr. S is a stupid incompetent douchebag. Don´t think this is a personal FML.

Was Ted Cruz there? It's good to see that America doesn't have the monopoly on hypocrites. It's still "America First," though, at least among self-styled "democracies."

You actually thought the rules a politician says to follow actually applies to them?

I can’t find information on this anywhere! I want to know what happened!

Jens Spahn, German minister of health, told us citizens to hold stay disciplined at home and to learn to waive, and that very sane day he took part in a dinner with with potential donors, while it is not allowed to meet with more than one single person :/ "to avoid infection" - well, he was tested positive with covid. Incompetent bigotted idiots, or as you might call them: politicians.

They are covering it up for him it seems! They aren’t printing anything in Australian media about it!

Is there any coverage of German politics in Australia? We in Germany don´t know shit about politics in Australia.

Not a great deal, but when it comes to politics and covid 19 the media seem to latch onto it, especially scandalous stories

That is shitty, but how does this personally affect your life?