Not now!

By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I was in a department store with my three year old daughter to buy some new jeans. I took her into the dressing room with me and as I began to take off my pants she yells, "Mommy, you can't go peepee in here!!" I am no longer welcome in that particular store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 387
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XRiseToFallAgain 0

Why do FML's like these always involve kid's dumb word being more trusted than the actual explanation from the adult?


SickToDeath 0

a perfect example of retard-ism #67 anyway, lolz. luv this fml!!!

I think it was kinda cute of her, she's only 3 remember the show Kids say the Darnest things? she would be perfect

dickster 0

that's a moment where I would have slapped the child

hateevryone 14

rule #1 never take your kids shopping, unless its for them.

Why are they taking a three year old's words over an adult?