No excuses

By pissedexworker - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that being rushed unconscious to the hospital and missing work qualifies you for termination if you don't call in, even if you have a note from the ER doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 513
You deserved it 2 493

Same thing different taste


dtegrl 0

Ummmm... LAWSUIT!!! Call your lawyer!

1. Get a lawyer who can review your possible case. 2. Buy canned cheese. 3. Find another job.

what the hell does herpes have to do with this people are so rude these days!

sallen0046 4

North Carolina is an At-will employment state. They're legally allowed to terminate employment for any reason unless you have them sign a contract before beginning employment with the company limiting their right to terminate based on certain circumstances. There's absolutely no reason to attempt a wrongful termination suit, as it's going to end up costing money to go to court where the case will be immediately dismissed. Either contact HR to discuss the possibility of severance pay, or carry yourself down to the unemployment office.

birdmansangel 0

Oh good f'in god! if it is an "at will" employer he cannot sue! Thats whats wrong with this country. everyone one says "sue, sue, sue".

ReginalUT 0

Actually you could get them into big trouble for that.

maybe u should have been a man and proposed to her before he did. i ******* hate men that tfhink a girl will wait for them forever. not the case

People, it is not illegal for the OP to be fired. They cannot sue just because they feel it was unfair. We are not getting the full story here obviously. There are several logical reasons why this person could legally be fired - for example if they had previously been warned for absenteeism or even other job performance issues, or if it had been more than one day of them not reporting in without calling. It doesn't matter if you have a doctor's note or not; if you live in an at-will state, they can terminate you according to their policy manual.

dude that's illegal they have to keep you I would call LNI on the bitches and sue for some cash.