Missed opportunities

By Gail - 05/04/2021 00:30

Today, I told my wife I walked away from a £5000 bet I had a good chance at winning, because I refused to embarrass myself in public. She responded with a Star Trek reference, "Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack, rule of acquisition 109." My god, I married a heartless nerd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 369
You deserved it 1 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your wife has a good sense of humor. Stay with her and give her your undying fidelity or you just may be doing embarrassing things for money in the future...sir.


Your wife has a good sense of humor. Stay with her and give her your undying fidelity or you just may be doing embarrassing things for money in the future...sir.

Remind her that Ferengi women are never clothed. See if she still wants to go along with it.

She might be down with it. She may have insisted on a Betazoid wedding, too.

Did you miss the part at the end of DS9 when they were given all rights and started out earning the men?

DrSamba1 8

"It's true. You work with your females, arm them, and force them to wear clothing. Sickening!" 🤣

You do realize that “a good chance of winning” also means a “good chance of losing”? It’s one thing to make small bets that you can easily afford to lose - It’s a sickness to make large bets you cannot afford to lose. You are fortunate your wife took your revelation with humor.

She married a man with no courage nor sense of adventure. She got the short end of the stick.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Though you may have had a good chance of winning, you could have lost. You're not out £5000 so well done!