
By Anonymous - 23/07/2022 22:00

Today, I suddenly was in my kitchen, preparing some food. I don't remember making this food, or anything else that I did today. Yesterday and the day before are also gone. My house is clean and nice, but my cat is scared of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 022
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a carbon monoxide detector first of all. Low-grade exposure to it can cause amnesia and behavioral issues. Plan B if the carbon monoxide detector doesn’t pick up on anything is an appointment with a care provider.


Don't eat that food! It might be your other cat.

Get a carbon monoxide detector first of all. Low-grade exposure to it can cause amnesia and behavioral issues. Plan B if the carbon monoxide detector doesn’t pick up on anything is an appointment with a care provider.

Before you go to your appointment with your care provider, install webcams all over your house. Then, if you can, keep only the juicy bits on a USB stick for your care provider. If you cannot, bring the whole video to your appointment. If your care provider is not happy with the 8-hours camera footage, he/she can recommend you to someone who could show you how to edit your videos. This will also help you understand why your cat is suddently afraid of you.

Vesi 29

Monoxide detector first, PCP next.. and if nothing is explained.. I recommend you go talk with a psychiatrist. You might have the same issue I do (and yes cats can definitely tell) and a psychiatrist can diagnose if that is the issue. I'm not saying what the issue could be simply to prevent giving you ideas. You need a licensed psychiatrist to make that determination. Good luck!

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Get yourself medically evaluated if you can - these could be mini strokes if amnesia started happening suddenly