Let it mellow

By Anonymous - 25/08/2020 14:00

Today, my 5-year-old got carsick and lost his breakfast all over himself and the back seat. When I got home to clean him off and clean out the car, I discovered that construction workers hit a main water line while working on road expansion at the front of my neighborhood. We won’t have running water until 4 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 599
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there before. That’s what friends houses, gas stations, car washes, etc are good for. Any place with a lot of paper towels and water will do

jfigley 5

Car wash bruh! Or go to a friend's house....im sure they will understand....


jfigley 5

Car wash bruh! Or go to a friend's house....im sure they will understand....

That's when you call up a good friend and ask to come over.

Been there before. That’s what friends houses, gas stations, car washes, etc are good for. Any place with a lot of paper towels and water will do