
By ugly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me not to come over anymore because her baby is scared of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 397
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did the baby tell her that? No? Then she has no proof.

That is what brown bags are made for- don't forget the eye slits. just a suggestion...


WOW, nice sister - sounds like you come from a well adjusted family. OR..... maybe you need to cut back on the Tammy Faye Baker makeup?

ashtree 12
outbackbyrd 7

Ouch... Oh well, time to suck it up and find a new baby to devote your time and love to.

ZDK5498 6

Your sister is a BITCH and should be more sensitive of your feelings... I would feel kind of offended if I were you... but don't feel bad. some babies just cry for unknown reasons and it might not be your fault so do get down on yourself :)

Forever ugly... All babies are like that. They like some people and hate others.

On the plus side, you won't have to deal with it crying and puking.....

Like the child will remember from that point...either way that's just a mean way to say leave me and my child alone