
By Megsley - 19/08/2022 21:00 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I went to the Walgreens by my house and bought 8 body wash soaps because my boyfriend needs that much for 3 days. I’ve done this so many times that the girls at the register know me, and my boyfriend, by name. They gave me a bunch of $5 off coupons because they felt so bad for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smelly guy Smelly guy What are they feeding you? Smelly guy Smelly guy It's not your fault

the real question is: what actually is your boyfriend doing with all that body wash? hmmmm


Smelly guy Smelly guy What are they feeding you? Smelly guy Smelly guy It's not your fault

the real question is: what actually is your boyfriend doing with all that body wash? hmmmm

A tiny hotel soap can be used for 3 days in a pinch. Why would anyone need more than one soap for 3 days? How often is he bathing? What percentage of his income is going toward bathing?

Are you sure he doesn't need a doctor?

Yeah, exactly. If he smells so much that he needs EIGHT full-sized soaps for THREE days, that’s not normal. It doesn’t preclude them knowing about it and being unable to afford the doctor I guess (or even bf being a wasteful jerk), but at this point I feel like the savings on soap would pay for themselves.

Make him buy his own body wash than maybe he will stop wasting it in the shower

Doom_Kitty 12

is he trying to destroy his skin?

TomeDr 24

Yeah, no. Go to a discount store and buy bar soap. Body wash is an expensive scam. Think of all the plastic you’re wasting.