i'm doing FINE

By tammy999 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend bumped into me at McDonald's. I was sitting alone at a table with a Big Mac, two large fries, a large drink, and one case of chicken nuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 37 795


alex_vik 0

Damn woman! Eat much? Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying "Damn women", I'm saying it as in "DAYUM"

...and? If that's what you want to eat then that's what you want to eat, and if your ex disapproves, he's a jerk.

of course he should not approve... no1 should when it comes to eating that much

WTF is with all the people calling her fatty? Why are people so cruel?

"eating that much"! that's not a lot of food. everyone eats that much sometimes, it's not that abnormal. plus she doesn't sound fat to me, i eat that much frequently and im 115 lbs... definitely not fat! one last thing, so what if her ex disapproves, he's her EX, his opinion doesn't really matter!!!!!

Well,you were hungry and you needed to it. Who gives a shit what people think anyway?

fsite5 0
HotpinkKitties 0

At first I thought she was alone eating a bigmac meal I seriously LMFAO!!!! Then I read it again 2 Large fries, chicken nuggets...but really 2 large fries??? It is probably fake...but if this is real wow, I'm sorry you deserve the embarassment because I mean that's a lot of food AND if you felt you'd be embarassed by this you didn't think to take it to go? :/

yer just a big ol fatty, aren't ya, fatty?

to all the fat haters on this: to be fair, if youve ever been to mcdonalds you would know that what the OP ate isn't even enough to fill a small child. Because mcdonalds is about 40% water, 30% fat, 19% salt and about 1% actual food. Even if it was a smaller amount, it would still be embarrassing because lets face it, she was eating alone in mcdonalds.

girlygirl666 0

What? "Not enough to fill a small child"?? I don't know what kind of child you're feeding, but I can say it is no "small" child!

Not enough to feed a child? No wonder 80% of American kids are obese! That amount of food should feed 3 kids easily!

91 - The person who said that it's not a lot is English... not American. The person who said it was a lot however was American. Anymore baseless assumptions you'd like to make?

actually what i meant was mcdonalds never makes you full as proper food would - you eat it and then about an hour later your hungry again. Because its full of rubbish.

As a 'small child' (young teen, basically), I remember 9 nuggets and fries were enough to make me feel both full and bloated. What type of people do you have in mind that could ingest that mammoth meal and still feel hungry?

What's the remaining 10 percent? That amount of food sounds sickening to me. And this coming from an overweight person. (Overweight, yes. Fat, no.) If I eat at Mccdonalds, it's hard for me to finish a ten piece nuggets with medium size fries.

Wolfman_Paladin 0

my brother is a skinny little f***er ad he eats way more. then wht th OP listed and never gains a pound

chadwick110480 0

twinklestar: sharp like ginsu blade.

Quest_ 13

The OP may have actually been accompanied by a friend who happened to have been in the bathroom at the wrong time.

palasarop 0

then why didnt she say that in the fml?

Because FMLs are supposed to be short, snappy and to-the-point? Because she didn't predict that the comments section would turn into a barrage of cruel and unfounded attacks on her behaviour?

#135, if that's the case, then the OP clearly doesn't read FML very much.