i'm doing FINE

By tammy999 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend bumped into me at McDonald's. I was sitting alone at a table with a Big Mac, two large fries, a large drink, and one case of chicken nuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 37 795


DeepSouthEmo 0

its not like the cheesburger would go to africa if you don't eat it. it'd just get thrown in the trash.

I feel so sorry for your clogged arteries! you are definitely F-ing Your Life by eating that crap!

Maybe you should stop eating so goddamn much and save a bit of food for the others that could actually use it?

Starving yourself isn't going to magically feed the hungry. What will is donating and giving up your free time to help them.

dphilipson12 0

it's prolly why he left your skinny ass!! hahaha

younext time do take out and at least sit in your car so people cant see what a fat ass loser you are

OMG....my brother had that much and he still isn't fat

dj_franco1 0

no wonder your bf dumped you!

If you don't want people to see you sitting alone at mcdonalds with that much food in front of you, then you shouldn't be sitting alone at mcdonalds with that much food in front of you. It's the best way to prevent this thing from happening.

If you're not ashamed to eat that much around other people, why are you ashamed to eat it around your ex? It's not like he matters anymore. BTW, the OP might not neccessarily be fat. She may just have a high metabolism. I had a classmate that was underweight but ate like a horse. And I wouldn't put it past her to be able to eat that much food.