Healthy mind in a healthy body

By Anonymous - 04/08/2021 12:59 - Brazil - Niter?i

Today, I started a diet to lose the 20lbs I put on during quarantine. It was also the day my body decided the diminished food intake means I'm trying to starve it to death, and must be punished with a horrible migraine. That's what I get for trying to be healthier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 745
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your body is telling you that you're trying to change too quickly. Ease in to better meals before trying to then ease into less caloric intake.

One of the most common cause of headaches related to diet is to suddenly cut back on caffeine such as in coffee, tea, and cola.


Your body is telling you that you're trying to change too quickly. Ease in to better meals before trying to then ease into less caloric intake.

No one ever died from eating too many donuts. Ok, maybe people have died from eating too many donuts, but they died much happier than those who ate too few.

One of the most common cause of headaches related to diet is to suddenly cut back on caffeine such as in coffee, tea, and cola.

kristinagir 11