
By PeterRabit - 25/07/2009 15:11 - Canada

Today, I was walking around in a park when I pass some kids playing soccer. One of them kicks the ball as hard as he could at me. Luckily I catch the ball. Then I drop kick the ball, intending to say "go get it." Instead it ricochets of a nearby tree and hits my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 861
You deserved it 47 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good of you to show them how it's done.

iBad 0

u should have walked away with the ball


Guitarist45 0

this happened at a lacrosse game of mine. we were warming up while the previous game was still going. a ball accidentely hit some guy (it rolled to him). I looked at him asked for the ball back, but he chucked it into the live game instead.

bandit09 0

HAHAHAHA yea FYL thats what the hell you get

akshar 0

Exactly what i was going to say

EveryDayJackAss 0

HEY just be glad the ball spared you AND ADAM SANDLER!!!!!

Oh god. Movie moments suck and are oh so funny, hope your not hurt!

You're a moron. They're kids, playing soccer. They probably don't all have the greatest aim, and one screwed up. Why do you assume it was intentionally kicked at your face? You caught it, so no harm done. Just give it back. Totally your fault beyond that.

i wudda kicked the ball in the opposite direction of them

magicstar 0

why u wanna throw things at trees what do u have something against trees do u not like the way trees make paper and pencils well live with it TREE HATER